Gearing up for the summer

It’s that time of year again when you realise you’ve lost your sunglasses, run out of fashionable shorts and can only find one flip flop – cue summer wardrobe replenishment. This style guide will provide you with a few summer essentials, so whether you’re on a beach in Barbados or a backyard in Birmingham, you’ll look the part.


Starting at the top, everybody needs a pair of sunglasses and aviators are the perfect choice. Even though you may not be a pilot, you will be flying high in the fashion stakes with these indispensable summer accessories.


To complement your new glasses you will need the perfect summer shirt. Ideally light and airy, this shirt should feature pastel colours. If you have to go for the Hawaiian theme then keep it fairly subtle like Esquire explains. The beauty of the shirt is that you can button it how you wish; if the sun is proving too hot, just open it up.


Vests are proving increasingly popular and becoming a common occurrence when the sun is shining. Feel free to have a few patterned vests in your wardrobe – just be wary of potential clashing with shirts and chequered shorts.

Original Penguin Cargo Shorts

Obviously no summer collection would be complete without a couple of pairs of decent shorts. The trend this year is pushing towards shorts that finish above the knee, complete with cuffs and trouser-styled pockets. Original Penguin offers a comprehensive range of men’s shorts – again consider pastel colours and don’t be afraid of a salmon pink to help accentuate your newly tanned legs.


Now for the feet – what do you go for in the footwear department? Flip Flops are always a must particularly when heading to the beach as nobody wants sand in their shoes! Be sure to avoid straps and bulky sandals – it’s the summertime after all, not a hiking session with your dad. Away from flip flops you will need some additional shoes and there are a couple of options to go with. Deck shoes are a popular choice for many as they provide the comfort and support of normal shoes with a summery appearance – GQ has listed their favourite ones here. Another option is to purchase a fabric-based shoe; although lacking in support, espadrilles are very light making them perfect for summer conditions.


Follow these guidelines and you will soon have a strong basis for a fashionable summer – just don’t forget the sun cream!

View more: Men's Fashion