Tom Ford’s 15 Things Every Man Should Have

Here is a quick simple list of Tom Ford’s 15 Things Every Man Should Have. It’s an interesting and complete list for men from the renowned fashion designer and filmmaker who knows a thing or two about men’s fashion and style. Life in general too 🙂 Check out the list… I’m sure some of you will disagree a bit but that’s natural. So what do you think?

  1. A sense of humor.
  2. A daily read of newpaper.
  3. A sport that you love and are good at.
  4. Tweezers.
  5. A good cologne that becomes your signature.
  6. A well cut dark suit.
  7. A pair of classic black lace-up shoes.
  8. A smart blazer.
  9. The perfect pair of dark denim jeans.
  10. Lots of crisp white cotton shirts.
  11. Always new socks and underwear (throw away old ones every six months).
  12. A classic tuxedo.
  13. A beautiful day watch with metal band.
  14. The perfect sunglasses.
  15. Perfect teeth – if you don’t have them, save up and have them fixed.

Tom Ford's 15 Things Every Man Should Have